I'd assembled two house blocks and two tree blocks a couple weeks ago and blogged about them in my post for 10/11/17. Now it was time to join them and FMQ the resulting wall hanging. The blue swirl fabric for the night sky begged to be quilted in swirls. I am terrible with swirls so this was an opportunity on a small scale to practice them and get better. I doodled them and saved the marked plastic as a visual reminder of my goal. I chose a light blue thread and I did OK.

For the houses however, I was lazy and in a hurry and did not use a ruler. They came out terrible! You know how as you start something and don't like it, but somehow

This is the fabric I chose for the backing. The words pumpkins appears to be upside but I made the majority of the scarecrows right side up. Doing both was not possible and since the scarecrows appeared most dominant, I gave them priority.

Here is the completed wallhanging in a state acceptable for viewing from a galloping horse from a great distance. It measures 28" by 16".

An activity for me, while watching TV, will be to pick out the ugly crooked stitches in the houses. I will add an update to this post once I have improved those houses. Consider it a home renovation project. For now I will be linking up to Sew Fresh Quilts's Let's Bee Social #199.
What I thought would be a little picking away at stitches while watching TV turned out to be over two, almost three, hours of intense surgery deploying tweezers, seam ripper, and curved pointed scissors, sitting at the kitchen table with extra lighting and a soft cushion under my tush for the duration. My failed FMQ attempts have a way of making my stitches so tiny and often on top of themselves that their removal is a challenge.
I resigned myself to the task but made a new playlist on iTunes and set the volume pretty high on my computer about ten feet away. With no TV plot and old favorite songs of mine playing, I plucked away, one stinkin' stitch by one stinkin' stitch. The diversion worked. Thankfully I was able to lose track of time instead of losing track of the plot of some show. Here are my houses, stitch-free and steamed as best I could to camouflage the crooked trail of needle holes.
Now, how to FMQ the houses? I considered close together vertical lines in the triangular shaped gables. I considered fish tail scallops on the gold house. I considered a brick pattern on the brick colored house. Then the acronym KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid – hit me like a lead brick. I'd consider myself an idiot if I put in something so complicated I would be ripping it all out again. I switched to my domestic Pfaff and straight stitched lines both ⅛" inside and ⅛" outside the doors and windows. I also added straight lines outlining the house itself. Yes, I did need to do a fair amount of turning, but that turning took me far less time to put in, than those first crooked lines took me to take out. So that the stitch lines did not look too plain, I kept with my choice of the slate blue thread I had used everywhere else. The seam lines looked a bit like the decorative top stitching on jeans and I was pleased with the effect.
I am much happier with the final wallhanging. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do what makes you happy – advice about "visibility from a galloping horse" be damned.
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