Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Set of 14 Gilded Ornaments

At a guild fabric sale a couple years ago I bought several panels of Christmas ornaments for 50¢ or so. These novelty panels are not as prevalent in the stores today as they used to be years ago when my kids were young. We used to make them as a family project... I sewed and turned and they helped stuff.  Making these ornaments, even though I have lots and lots and the kids are long since grown, is kind of nostalgic for me. I believe the panels can still be found on e-Bay although at many, many times the 50¢ price tag.

This particular panel consisted of fourteen ornaments in three colors (green, red, cream), in eight shapes: diamond(3), circle(3), heart(3), tree, angel, showman, star, and Santa. The green Christmas tree was the most difficult to turn and stuff but it is my favorite. I am also fond of the red joy diamond and the cream snowman. The gold gilding gives these ornaments an attractive sheen.

I have other panels and my goal is to work through my supply of them before Christmas 2024. They are a great filler project between other larger projects. They require very little working space so I can sew and stuff them without having to clean my sewing room first!

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