Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Baby Boy Burpcloths

Yesterday and last night I sewed up ten burp cloths for the new little brother of my granddaughter's best friend. The personal connection is quite a stretch, but I like making burp cloths and they are reputed to be very much used and appreciated. When my daughter made a request I responded willingly. These flannel burp cloths were made with  elephants, cars, lions, and giraffes – not the traditional snips and snails and puppy dog tails as per the old nursery rhyme stating what little boys are made of. Here is my 5" high stack of the cloths folded in thirds followed by photos of the five complementary pairs.

Each burp cloth is made from two fat quarters of flannel. Instructions are in my blog post dated June 18, 2014. I make these often and pre-wash them twice before gifting so they can be put to immediate use. Just as a meal has a palate cleanser between courses, I enjoy sewing up these quick satisfying burp cloths as a refresher between larger quilts or more involved projects. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for these cloths! I am told repeatedly that your burp cloths are the best, for they are more absorbent and they cover more area that the storebought one. It is not unusual to see them in use every time I visit someone who received a stack, and my friend this time was no exception! Her baby turned out to be a big spit-upper, so she is very appreciative of the cloths!
