Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hiatus Explanation

TV shows go on hiatus. So do quilter/bloggers. My most recent published post was over two months ago on March 30th, 2024. It was about a round blanket I had knitted out of leftover yarn from grandchildren blankets. I often publish more frequently but in late November 2023, a routine X-ray revealed a 25 mm lesion in my lung. After a CT, MRI, Petscan, biopsy, etc. it was determined to be malignant. On March 1st I had one lobe of my lung removed and a month later underwent three 21-day sessions of chemotherapy in April, May, and June. I could shoulder on after the lung surgery to some extent, but it was the chemo that really nauseated and exhausted me, making sewing and blogging impossible. I will not dwell on the drudgery of the cancer but felt that some mention of the topic needed to be included, at least at a minimal level, in my blog. 

I had drafted three posts April 6, April 12, and May 2 but could not muster the energy to finalize and release them. Tentatively, as I slowly regain my energy, I am trying to distract myself with some simple projects and get back on track with DianeLoves2Quilt. I will resume by resurrecting those posts on Christmas ornaments, quilt show entries, and an in progress layer cake project.

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