Saturday, March 19, 2022

Third Saturday of March 2022

Beginning April 2020, my quilt guild members began a tradition of hanging quilts in the front of their homes on the third Saturday of the month as a source of enjoyment for the community and as a thank you for the essential workers during the pandemic. My initial post about this practice is in my blog post dated 4/22/2020. This March concludes two years of this monthly activity and we have never been rained out! Today is very cloudy and it did rain during the night. I still set up my quilts by the front door under the protection of an overhanging roof. If the winds do come up and more than a drizzle comes down from the sky, I will have to rush out and bring them in. But for now the two-year record remains unbroken.

The theme for this month's "Hang Your Quilt Day" was left open, and guild members were instructed to just brighten our neighborhood by hanging quilts. For March, I chose to hang my quilts Sunflowers and Laua'e (Hawaiian fern). Both are green for the month of March. Sunflowers has a secondary meaning of support for Ukraine whose state flower is the sunflower.

Sunflowers measures 38½" wide by 53½" tall and is described in my blog post for 7/16/21. The following photo is a closeup of the FMQ in one corner. 

 measures 30" square and is described in my blog post for 3/13/22. It was completed just this month. The following photo shows the detail FMQ in one corner.


  1. I still love that sunflower quilt! the colors are perfect for March and how serendipitous to have it already in your collection given world events! It and the Hawaiian fern give two different - but very complimentary! takes on the color green.

    1. Whoops, that was me. Forgot to login. -Ski
