Sew Much More was only about 10 minutes from our Double Tree Hilton in Downtown Historic Savannah.

This store did not have quite the neighborhood ambience of the first shop, being along a highway rather than in a quaint town like Summerville.

However it is inside what counts and we were excited to see what treasures lay within as we disembarked our bus.

The first thing that caught my eye was a panel on the wall above a doorway. The bright colors and curlicues were very appealing. I thought any one square would make a cute front on a pinafore. A row of them would lend themselves to the skirt of a little girl's dress. Note the square symmetry - right and left facing foxes in orange and turquoise, right and left facing turquoise squirrels, right and left facing skunks... any of these images could be features on a dress or skirt.

I must have been in an orange turquoise mood because I also picked up these fat quarters. It was only after I'd bought them that I realized they were intended to coordinate with the panel.

One of the staff demonstrated this ruler so convincingly I felt I definitely needed this Creative Grids Quick Trim Ruler to join the army battalion of rulers I already own. This one is special because of the non-slip tackiness on the back, the light and dark markings for various shades of fabric, and some special marking that will eliminate the generation of dog ears on jelly roll like seaming configurations.

In a bargain room at the rear of the store I found this Sew Merry and Bright book of cheerful holiday ideas. The wool/felt ornaments on the cover appealed to my sense of whimsy and seemed pretty easy to whip up.

I managed to find a commemorative license plate for this store to add to my collection.

Our parting gift from the store was an adorable cupcake of fabric. It is most likely a fat eighth. I do not think a fat quarter could be rolled up this tiny but I could be wrong. It is too cute to take apart to find out for sure. It will stay unwrapped as a souvenir for me for a little while at least.

I did not buy a lot at this store but I cannot speak for the other ladies on the tour. I did hear that our tour guide would be mailing about twenty or so Large Flat Rate USPS boxes containing fabric purchases from the first two shops that quilters would be unable to fit in their respective suitcases; and we still have one more quilt shop to visit on this tour.

I have eyed that "Sew Merry and Bright" book before, you will have to tell me what you think. And, 20 LFRBs? That's a LOT of fabric (And books, and tools, I suppose)! I'm glad this left you with space in your suitcase for the next stop, though, and it sounds like a fun trip!