Friday, October 11, 2024

Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival

Thursday October 10th  I went with my husband to the Quilt, Craft, and Sewing Festival in Pleasanton, CA sponsored by the The Rusty Barn Group. There is no entry fee for the show but it does cost $15 to park. There are some about a half-dozen free seminars and a handful of make-and-take workshops, but for the most part it is a gathering of vendors. The participating vendor list is in the following image. Many of these vendors I have frequented through the years.

I bought very little at this event, mostly I think due to my mood rather that the show contents. My husband supports my quilting purchases. When I was ready to leave to go to the show he gave me this advice. "If you see something you are waffling on send me a text and I will help you decide. If you see something that you really like, but are hesitant to take the plunge, then send me a letter." He then chose to come with me, even wearing his special shirt that says "Quilters Husband".

I bought one yard of a Christmas fabric to use as a backing on a Christmas wallhanging I plan to make. I already own the #206 Deerly Loved pattern by Corey Yoder. The fabric bands run parallel to the selvage and there are four bands across the WOF. I was only able to get one yard and the pattern finishes at 42" x 42" so I will need to add to the edges. This may be the tail wagging the dog, but I will select the fabrics for the wallhanging front based on the striped backing fabric. My goal is to make it for this Christmas. There. I have put the commitment in writing. Actually, it is more a hope rather than a commitment, so I have just given myself some wiggle room.

I also bought  two patterns, both for bags not quilts. I am curious and have often wondered about those Japanese knot bags so I intend to try one of them out relatively soon.

Rounding out my sparse purchases was a black and white fat quarter for $1.50.

That's it for my visual aids. I have no pictures of quilt kits for sale. I have sworn off buying them anyway until I sew down my backlog. Also, the show does have a rule that
Photography, video taping, or sketching of the exhibitors' booths or merchandise is not permitted.

It was fun looking at "stuff" and I enjoyed the outing with my husband. We have had such a heat wave lately, that we have not ventured out of the house much, so this was a welcome change.

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