Here is my completions list for 2014, followed by pictures and headings only. Details are in my past posts as indicated by the clickable completion date after each name. Scroll fast! If nothing else, it's a nice browse of fabrics. My 2014 reflections and 2015 quilting resolutions are at the very end.
2014 Completions
2014 Completions
- 10 quilts
- 8 pillow cases / pillows
- 15 cloth books
- 21 burp cloths
- 4 miscellaneous items
- 1 hardcover blog book
- 4 knit items

Paisley Pearl (February 8, 2014)
Hello (February 9, 2014)
The Ghastlies (March 17, 2014)
Jack O'Lantern Trio (March 31, 2014)
Monkey Quilt ā 43" wide x 60" tall (May 26, 2014)
The Owl and the Pussycat (June 4, 2014)
Grinch Quilt (July 2, 2014)
Nautical Baby Quilt (August 27, 2014)
Vintage Ornaments Quilt (October 21, 2014)
Chicken Quilt (35" x 35") (November 14, 2014)
Thor from Days of Yore (February 11, 2014)
Two Graphic Grey Bird Pillows (April 8, 2014)
Four 12" x 16" pillowcases (June 11. 2014)
One 12" x 16" lion pillowcase for Autumn (October 8, 2014)
My Baby's Day for Vivian (April 23, 2014)
Ocean Babies for Vivian (April 23, 2014)
Two Calendar Babies books for Autumn and Vivian (June 11, 2014)
Counting Monkey book for Autumn (August 26, 2014)
Jungle Alphabet book for Autumn (October 8, 2014)
Mittens Graphic Novel for Autumn (November 20, 2014)
Jungle Alphabet book for Vivian (November 26, 2014)
Little Baby Signs book for Vivian (December 26, 2014)
Two chickadee burp cloths (February 9, 2014)
Ten assorted burp cloths for Vivian (June 18, 2014)
1 jungle/argyle burp cloth with tutorial(June 18, 2014)
Set of Eight Napkins (April 8, 2014)
Striped Lampshade (April 8, 2014)
Set of Six Napkins (April 8, 2014)
DianeLoves2Quilt ā Vol. 2 (April 14, 2014)
Christmas Stocking for Vivian (December 17, 2014)
2014 Quilting Resolutions Reviewed
- Generate hardcover blog book DianeLoves2Quilt ā Vol. 2 ā
- Finish Grinch Quilt before next Christmas ā
- Knit a vintage Christmas stocking for each granddaughter āā
- Free-motion-quilt at least three quilt tops (any size) on my Pfaff ā ā ā ā ā ā
- Rent time to long arm quilt at least one quilt ā ā
- Assemble at least two pre-purchased quilt kits ā ā
- Keep a running draft of my "2014 in Review" post as I complete items ā
- Remember to add labels to blog posts so I can find them more easily ā
- Get real... I know I will start new projects before finishing old ones! ā
I completed all - yes, all - of the items from my 2014 list. Having the list helped. I was going to let myself off the hook for knitting a second Christmas stocking but when I saw it was the only incomplete item from my list, I pushed ahead and got it done.
As I reflect back on the last year, from the quilting and crafting domain, I notice that I have gotten better at the quilting part of the process and have lost my fear of FMQ for the most part. I myself quilted all ten of the quilt tops I'd assembled, nine on my domestic Pfaff, one via time rented on a longarm. I also noticed that only two of those ten quilts were UFO completions from past years. It appears that I like to start new things and avoid finishing the old... hmmm. There is room for improvement in this arena. I did manage to give away seven of the ten quilts so fortunately I am not trading fabric stashing for quilt stacking.
I noticed I generated a wide smattering of small scale spontaneous projects such as cloth books and burp cloths. These are fun, low impact items and I give them away. Having them as variety to keep me busy and sane is a good practice I intend to keep.
2015 Quilting Resolutions
2015 Quilting Resolutions
- Generate hardcover blog book DianeLoves2Quilt ā Vol. 3
- Start and complete Christmas presents quilt kit (uses stacked fat quarters technique)
- Finish Mask Quilt - do not fuss - just do it already or decide to abandon it!
- Quilt two backlogged tops; Classic Chevys, Overlapping Squares
- Complete both Hungry Caterpillar quilt kits
- Make a quilt for master bedroom (beach theme perhaps)
- Donate at least one quilt to charity
- Assemble tops from at least three pre-purchased quilt kits or repurpose the fabric
- Try background filling with my HQ Sweet Sixteen on at least one quilt
- Try ruler work with my HQ Sweet Sixteen on at least one quilt
- Try even feed quilting on my Pfaff on one quilt per Crafty class
- Decide and implement a method for scrap management, organization, and usage
- Donate/reduce my yarn (yes, yarn) stash to what I intend to use
- Keep a running draft of my "2015 in Review" post as I complete items
- Remember to add labels to blog posts so I can find them more easily
- Be realistic! I know I will start new projects before finishing the old ones!